Reminder! EPA TRI Report due July 1st - NFFS TRI calculator now available
The EPA Form R, which is due on July 1, refers to the annual Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) reporting form that certain facilities must submit to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This form is part of the requirements under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). Specifically, facilities in certain industries that manufacture, process, or otherwise use significant amounts of listed toxic chemicals are required to report their environmental releases and waste management activities involving these chemicals.
Submitting the Form R by July 1 ensures that the EPA and the public have up-to-date information on how these facilities manage toxic chemicals, contributing to increased transparency and environmental protection. Failure to submit the form by the deadline can result in penalties and enforcement actions from the EPA.
For assistance calculating your TRI data, NFFS members can access the TRI Reporting Threshold Calculator (login required). The simple Excel worksheet contains a separate tab for aluminum alloys and for copper alloys. Each worksheet can be customized for the specific alloys you cast in your foundry, your processed volumes, and the average % concentration of each of the reportable metals contained within those materials. A separate worksheet is required for each alloy, and all totals are added upon completion to determine if your foundry has exceed the reporting thresholds and has a duty to file a TRI report. The result is a clearly defined record set that provides analysis and justification for the numbers contained within your reports.
If you have questions or need assistance with calculating your TRI data, determining your obligation to report, or submitting your data online, please feel free contact NFFS.
See also: