NFFS Member Code of Conduct

Navy blue banner with abstract modern design and words "Code of Conduct"

 1. Introduction

The Non-Ferrous Founders' Society (NFFS or the Society) is dedicated to fostering a professional and ethical environment within the non-ferrous foundry industry. This Code of Conduct outlines the expectations and standards of behavior that all members are expected to adhere to in order to maintain the integrity and reputation of the Society and its members.

2. Ethical Standards

Members of the Non-Ferrous Founders' Society shall:

  • Act with honesty and integrity in all business dealings and interactions.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any potential conflicts promptly.
  • Uphold fair competition and refrain from engaging in anti-competitive practices.
  • Avoid intentional infringement of intellectual property rights of others.

NFFS Members should strive to meet the above standards in all their activities.

3. Professional Behavior

Members of the Non-Ferrous Founders' Society (NFFS) shall:

  • Treat all individuals with respect, regardless of their background, position, or affiliation.
  • Communicate and collaborate in a professional and courteous manner.
  • Promote a safe and inclusive environment for all society events and activities.
  • Refrain from using language or engaging in behavior that is discriminatory, offensive, or harassing.

4. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Members of the Non-Ferrous Founders' Society (NFFS) should strive to:

  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.

5. Sponsorship and Participation

The Non-Ferrous Founders' Society (NFFS) reserves the right to evaluate the suitability of sponsors and participants for Society events and activities. Individuals or organizations that have been convicted of fraud or other serious offenses, or have displayed actions adversely affecting NFFS’ reputation, may be deemed unsuitable for sponsorship or participation based on the potential impact on the Society's reputation.

6. Reporting Violations

Members of the Non-Ferrous Founders' Society (NFFS) may report any suspected violations of this Code of Conduct to the Society's leadership. Reports will be treated confidentially, and appropriate action will be taken only following a thorough investigation.  Reports of any suspected violations will be subject to the Code of Conduct.

7. Investigation and Process

  • The Society’s Board of Directors, or a committee appointed thereby, has the authority to investigate and deliberate on any alleged violation of the Code of Conduct.
  • The investigation may include interviewing the Member to have allegedly violated the Code of Conduct.
  • If a determination is made that a member has violated the Code of Conduct, the member will be notified in writing of the determination and the consequence of the violation.
  • The Member receiving the determination letter shall respond in writing within a proscribed period of time as indicated in the determination letter by either:
    • accepting the consequences of the violation, or
    • requesting a meeting with the board of directors (or comment appointed thereby) to provide additional information addressing the violation and requesting the opportunity to discuss the matter.
  • After a meeting as may be requested by the member, the Society’s Board of Directors will make a final determination and issue a letter to the member, which shall be binding. 
  • The Board of Directors has the discretion to announce any actions taken under these provisions to the Society’s membership.

8. Consequences of Violations

If a member is found to have violated this Code of Conduct, consequences may include, but are not limited to, warnings, reprimands, suspension of some or all membership privileges, or expulsion from the Society. The severity of the consequences will be determined based on the nature and severity of the violation at the discretion of the Society’s Board of Directors.

9. Amendments to the Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct may be amended by the Society's leadership as needed. The Society will announce any changes to the Code of Conduct, and the Members will be expected to abide by the updated version.