Register now! NFFS Talent Pipeline Program introductory meeting September 9th

Posted By: Erin Russell Industry, NFFS,

The challenge of finding, hiring, and retaining both skilled and unskilled workers remains at the forefront of concerns for many companies in the foundry industry. To help address this critical issue, NFFS is excited to announce the new NFFS Talent Pipeline Program, which provides participating members with expert guidance and a proven model for successful recruitment and retention. 

The program will kick off on September 9th at 2 p.m. ET with an introductory meeting via Zoom for everyone who is interested in learning more about the program. The meeting will help NFFS confirm whether there is a meaningful level of interest among the NFFS membership, so it is important that you participate to ensure the success of this initiative!


This meeting will include:

  • An overview of the TPP mission and program by the TPP Program Lead
  • A business forecast by a representative of the submarine industrial base
  • A discussion on "The Why"—why foundries should participate in this program
  • Employer introductions, where you'll have the chance to share your thoughts and ask questions.
  • A summary of next steps, led by the TPP Program Lead
What is the Talent Pipeline Program?

Manufacturing workers with PPE smiling and looking at something out of the frame

The TPP is a comprehensive workforce development program created by the U.S. Navy. It was designed to ensure that the Navy and the Defense Industrial Base (DIB)—the network of people, organizations, and resources that provides the Department of Defense with needed products and services—have the skilled workforce needed to meet operational demands. Non-ferrous foundries are an important part of the Defense Industrial Base. The TPP focuses on recruiting, training, and retaining individuals with critical trade skills necessary for the production navy assets. When partnering with industries like ours, the TPP not only strengthens the Navy’s capabilities, but it also provides significant benefits to participating employers.

Additional Resources

If you have questions about the TPP program or the informational meeting, contact Jerrod Weaver at (847) 299-0950 or