NFFS Executive Director Recommended for Appointment to Trade Advisory Committee

Posted By: Erin Russell Government Affairs, Industry, NFFS,
NFFS Executive Director Jerrod Weaver heaedshotNFFS Executive Director, Jerrod Weaver, has cleared the initial evaluation process for membership on the International Trade Advisory Committee (ITAC) 5, which focuses on Critical Minerals and Non-Ferrous Metals. The Director of the Industry Trade Advisory Center has recommended Jerrod for appointment pending final approval.
The Industry Trade Advisory Committees (ITACs) are a unique public-private partnership. They are jointly managed by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Office of United States Trade Representative (USTR) through the Industry Trade Advisory Center. The fifteen ITACs were created to reflect the manufacturing and services sectors of the U.S. economy, as well as issue-oriented matters that cut across all sectors. The industry advisors serving on the ITACs provide valuable input as the Administration advances its trade agenda to improve economic opportunities for America’s businesses, workers, and consumers
Policy makers rely on ITACs to identify barriers and to provide advice on key objectives and bargaining positions. As a result of these efforts, the United States is able to display a united front when it negotiates trade agreements with other nations. The United States’ negotiating position is strengthened because its objectives are developed with bipartisan, private-sector input throughout the negotiations
If appointed, Jerrod's position on ITAC 5 would allow him to provide input on trade issues that affect the non-ferrous foundry industry. For example, NFFS could offer insights on ongoing antidumping and countervailing duty laws pertaining to the import of flat rolled and extruded aluminum from China.
A final decision on Jerrod's appointment is expected this summer. If selected, he will join Andrew Renkey, a member of the NFFS Government Affairs Committee and Board of Directors, on the ITAC 5 Committee.