Secure your future workforce with the Talent Pipeline Program—learn more on September 9th

Posted By: Jerrod Weaver Industry, NFFS,

The challenge of finding, hiring, and retaining both skilled and unskilled workers remains at the forefront of concerns for many foundries. To help address this critical issue, NFFS is excited to announce the new NFFS Talent Pipeline Program (TPP)—a strategic initiative created by the U.S. Navy designed to build a robust talent pipeline for industries critical to U.S. defense, including the non-ferrous foundry industry.  

What is the Talent Pipeline Program?
TPP logoThe TPP is a comprehensive workforce development program aimed at ensuring the U.S. Navy and its Defense Industrial Base (DIB) have the skilled workforce needed to meet current and future operational demands including sufficient capacity within the DIB. The program focuses on recruiting, training, and retaining individuals with critical trade skills necessary for the production of submarines, carriers, surface ships, and other essential naval assets. By partnering with industries like ours, the TPP not only strengthens the Navy’s capabilities but also provides significant benefits to participating employers, including those within the non-ferrous foundry sector.

Why is the TPP important?
As the demand for skilled labor continues to rise, programs like the TPP offer a vital solution to one of the most pressing challenges faced by our industry. The TPP provides access to a structured, proven model that helps foundries develop and maintain a steady workforce. Through the TPP, employers can access the resources and support needed to train and retain both skilled and unskilled workers, ensuring that our industry can meet the growing demands of the defense sector.

How can the TPP benefit your foundry?
By participating in the TPP, NFFS members can leverage the program’s resources to strengthen their talent pipelines, reduce turnover, and improve overall workforce stability. The program offers training tailored to the needs of the Navy and related industries, ensuring that employees are equipped with the skills necessary to thrive in their roles. Additionally, the TPP provides funding and support to help employers implement these training and retention strategies effectively. This includes NFFS staff, serving as network coaches, that will work with your management team in your foundry to develop and implement the TPP strategy into your own operations.

Join us for a TPP Informational Meeting
To provide more detailed information about the TPP and how it can benefit your foundry, NFFS will host a two-hour Zoom meeting on Monday, September 9 at 2 p.m. ET. This meeting will feature:

  • An overview of the TPP mission and program by the TPP Program Lead.
  • A business forecast by a representative of the submarine industrial base.
  • A discussion on "The Why"—why foundries should participate in this program, presented by a U.S. Navy Representative.
  • Employer Introductions, where you'll have the chance to share your thoughts and ask questions.
  • A session on the next steps, led by the TPP Program Lead.

This meeting will serve as a demand-signal meeting to confirm interest in the TPP program among our membership. If your foundry is facing challenges in developing a talent pipeline, this is an opportunity you won’t want to miss.


If you have questions about the TPP program or the informational meeting, contact Jerrod Weaver at (847) 299-0950 or

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