NFFS Squeeze Casting & Semi-Solid Forming Guide available on NFFS website

Posted By: Jerrod Weaver NFFS, Technical,

Squeeze Casting Guide Cover ImageThe Non-Ferrous Founders' Society's Squeeze Casting & Semi-Solid Forming guide is now available in electronic PDF format for download on the NFFS website. Originally published in 1998, the 70-page guide remains a valuable resource for engineers and industry professionals seeking to utilize squeeze casting (SC) and semi-solid forming (SSM) technologies for a variety of part applications. 

Compiled by the NFFS Forming Division Steering Committee, this publication addresses some of the common confusion in the engineering community regarding the optimal uses of the SC and SSM processes. By minimizing both gas and shrinkage porosity, these processes ensure high integrity and consistency in cast parts, making them ideal for secondary operations like machining, welding, and plating. The guide includes 30 detailed part applications, complete with part data, problem histories, and solution histories, demonstrating the practical benefits and economic considerations of both Squeeze Casting and Semi-Solid Forming. 

Sample Part Application:Guide Interior Page Example